The training programme is a major output of the project and aimed at providing a number of modules that were offered online or in combination with face-to-face sessions for teachers in participating countries and beyond to enable them develop their skills and knowledge in artful practices and their practical usage in classrooms to promote creativity, interdisciplinarity, inclusion and better classroom dynamics. The leader of this output , the Swedish partner, with the support of the technical partner, Technical University of Crete, led the design of the content and the structure of the online training programme coordinating all project partners in its delivery and ensuring that the parallel work on the set-up of the project Platform (Intellectual Output O5) were aligned with the needs of this output.
The online training programme combined innovative learning and teaching techniques with interaction with the project tutors and trainees from across Europe. During the reporting period, preliminary work was initiated by the output leader on the design of the training programme taking into account the initial installation of the Platform (O5) that was offered by TUC during the reporting period. The O4 output leader studied in detail the offered functionalities and taking into account the preliminary needs of teachers for the professional development in the themes of the project identified in output O1, elaborated a first scheme of the possible structure and contents of the training programme, suggested task allocations to project partners and possible contents in terms of diverse media. All this preliminary work was discussed among the project partners during online project meetings and gradually crystallized into the final training programme and the contents of the corresponding courses, 5 in total.
The aim of these courses along with the tutors that supported the trainees during the implementation of the training programme follow along with links to the Platform where the corresponding training materials can be found:
To use the above Platform links, select the free entrance option if you do not have an account in the Platform.
The number of participants following the online training programme were initially 39, following the issues of the call of participation. However, during the implementation of the training programme it was decided to give the opportunity of participation to more teachers that expressed their interest to participate and exploit the availability of all courses’ materials in the Platform. Consequently, the total number of participants at the end of the training programme was 230. Apart from the access to the materials of the five courses of the programme, the participants were able to follow the webinars that were delivered using the Platform. All of them were recorded for future reference and use.
The final evaluation was based on a questionnaire that was prepared by the University of Crete. The results can be found in the corresponding report.